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The Sonia Shah keynotes focus not on the cure of malaria, but factors as to why it hasn't been eradicated. The cure has been known since the 1600s, yet it persists in developing countries in Africa and Asia. These reasons are scientific, economic, cultural and political in nature.
Shah is an investigative journalist and critically acclaimed author. She wrote on topics such as human rights, science and international politics. The Sonia Shah keynote on eradicating malaria ties in to her most recent book entitled 'The Fever: How Malaria Has Ruled Humankind for 500,000 Years.'
Shah appeared on a variety of American current affairs programs as a former writing fellow for the Nation Institute and the Puffin Foundation. She also gives keynote speeches on a regular basis, speaking out on topics like science, global health and politics.
Featured Keynote - Sustainable Solutions for Disease
Sonia Shah's Eradicating Malaria Keynote Lists Four Factors
In her eradicating malaria keynote, Sonia Shah discusses why the disease still exists when the cure has been known since the 1600s. The investigative journalist and author lists three reasons, which... Read More