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Toby Eccles' speeches focus on the need to privately fund public programs like inmate rehabilitation, children's programs and more. Eccles is a director at Social Finance in London, and the creator of the Social Impact Bond, designed to entice private investors to help fund social programs with the promise of profit. The program funds various programs to help inmate rehabilitation include therapy, rehab and work programs. The investors would receive annual profit for every 10% decrease in certain criminal offences.
Eccles' bonds have proven effective in England, and more such bonds are being tried out across the globe, including New York City and Massachusetts in the United States. Toby Eccles' speeches discuss and promote a proven method of solving some of society's worst ills by putting private sector money to work.
Featured Keynote - Private Funding for Social Change
Toby Eccles Touts Private Funding in His Social Change Keynote
Toby Eccles discusses an innovative and profitable way to increase offender rehabilitation in his social change keynote. Eccles is a Director at Social Finance in London, England and pioneered the... Read More