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The Susan Colantuono talks on women leadership discuss the career advice females do not receive and how that is preventing them from taking on top executive positions and closing the gender gap. The leadership expert is the Founder and CEO of Leading Women, a management consulting company devoted to empowering women. She also wrote a book called 'No Ceiling, No Walls: What Women Haven't Been Told About Leadership.' This is the exact subject matter for the Susan Colantuono talk, as it too focuses on conventional wisdom stopping females from rising above middle management positions in the workplace.
The speaker also possesses an interest in uncovering bias when it comes to gender. She is also passionate about changing the perspectives of executives to consider the role of gender at work.
Featured Keynote - Female Career Advice
Susan Colantuono's Women Leadership Talk Discusses Closing the Gender Gap
In her women leadership talk, Susan Colantuono discusses the career advice women don’t get. Women represent 50% of middle management and professional positions, but the percentage of female... Read More