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The Hannah Fry talk on love discusses the mathematics of romance and offers top tips. The mathematician currently works at UCL's Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis as a lecturer in the Mathematics of Cities. This involves working alongside architects, computer scientists, geographers, physicists and other mathematicians to study human behavior patterns, specifically in urban settings. This research has a number of applications, including retail, riots, terrorism, transportation and urban crime.
The speaker also has experience as an EPSRC public engagement fellow. T His position involves bringing math into educational institutions, pubs and theaters. Given the content of the Hannah Fry talk, expertise in this area is evident. She also co-presents on the YouTube channel BritLabs by the BBC.
Featured Keynote - Math-Verified Romance Tips
The Lecture on Love by Hannah Fry Discusses Mathematical Correlations
In her lecture on love, Hannah Fry offers her top three mathematically verifiable tips for romance.
The first top tip explains how to win at online dating. Research performed by dating website... Read More