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The Jennifer Gilbert keynote on entrepreneurial spirit empowers women to not take no for an answer and to fight fearlessly. The principal of Save the Date, an award-winning event management company, is an expert in the field and was awarded 'Entrepreneur of the Year' in 1998, after only five years in the business.
Gilbert's memoir, 'I Never Promised You a Goodie Bag,' tells the story of a violent attack she endured as a young woman and the positive transformative effect it had on her life and career. The Jennifer Gilbert keynote also speaks to this trauma, and other related personal experiences.
The relentless passion and search for the eternal yes has played an integral part in her success, which is something she shared in her speech.
Featured Keynote - Business-Minded Women
Jennifer Gilbert's Entrepreneurial Women Keynote is Motivational
Jennifer Gilbert shares her inspirational story in this entrepreneurial women keynote. The charismatic and aspirational speaker tells the audience about a violent attack she experienced as a young... Read More