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Harvey V. Fineberg keynotes address the concerns surrounding healthcare practices in America and the world and the issues that need to be addressed to ensure that these societies function in both a healthy and productive manner.
The well-respected doctor is currently the President of the Institute of Medicine and has devoted his career to both the implementation and development of health policy and the dissemination of innovations and breakthroughs in the medical sector.
He completed both his bachelor’s, and doctoral degrees from Harvard University as well as holding an a Masters in Public Policy from the Kennedy School of Government. He has co-edited and co-authored numerous books including the Clinical Decision Analysis and The Epidemic that Never Was as well as having his work featured in a multitude of scholarly journals.
Harvey V. Fineberg keynotes often discuss his breakthrough research completed regarding the use of vaccines and disease prevention methods. He was awarded the The Frank A. Calderon Prize in Public Health, an honor of high distinction, in 2011 from Columbia University.
Featured Keynote - Improving Health with Prevention
This Harvey V. Fineberg Keynote Explores America's Downfalls
In this Harvey V. Fineberg keynote, the President of the Institute of Medicine explains how improving the health of Americans is the first step to take if the country is to become more competitive... Read More