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Having grown up with a parent who is against modern technology, Hannah Brencher's speeches emphasize the importance of human connections as opposed to digital ones.
While in university, Hannah Brencher suffered from depression and turned to what she was most comfortable with: writing. As she eagerly waited for her mother's weekly updates by the mailbox, she also penned her thoughts along with supportive messages reminiscent of love letters, leaving dozens of them in random places around the cities for strangers. After making a promise on her blog saying that she would write a handwritten love letter to whomever requested one without question, her email inbox flooded. Like a chain reaction, these nameless letters spawned the 'The World Needs More Love Letters' global initiative where people can write, request or nominate neighbors who need support. Hannah Brencher's speeches are not only inspirational but also encourage maintaining the human touch in everything people do, despite the hustle and bustle in the fast-paced lives today.
Hannah Brencher delivers a short and sweet speech about why it’s important to keep writing letters to give and create hope for strangers in the world in her inspirational writing keynote.... Read More