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Scientists and evolutionary theorists alike listen to keynote speeches by Casey Dunn to garner a better understanding of biological evolution and the development of animals.
His work includes both laboratory testing and field ventures that have put him in contact with a wide array of interesting species including the Cnidaria designation, which includes creatures such as jellyfish and coral.
He completed his Ph.D. at Yale University and now splits his time between teaching Biology at Brown University and contributing to his blog CreatureCast, which is a collaborative effort devoted to the exploration of zoology.
Keynote speeches by Casey Dunn feature forward-thinking ideas surrounding the impact that the evolutionary process has had on the diversification of life on Earth. His work on genomes and morphology takes a fascinating approach to better understanding the way that creatures adapt and change over time.
Featured Keynote - Evolving Structural Modifications
This Casey Dunn Speech Discusses Division of Labor Between Cells
The evolution of functional specialization within aquatic animals is discussed in this Casey Dunn speech. The Assistant Professor of Brown University talks about the evolving biodiversity within... Read More