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Bill McKibben speeches address the most pressing environmental issues of our times. These include global warming, the relationship between economic policy and environmental stewardship and the emergence of renewable energy.
McKibben is the Schumann Distinguished Scholar at Middlebury College and the leader of the, an organization dedicated to creating a global grassroots movement to raise awareness of human-cased climate change and cut emissions of carbon dioxide. Foreign Policy magazine has called the largest ever organized, global rally, citing 5,200 simultaneous demonstrations across 181 countries as proof.
Prior to his career as an environmentalist, McKibben was a staff writer at the New Yorker, contributing much to the Talk of the Town column. He stopped working for the New Yorker in 1987 though his writing did not; McKibben frequently contributes to National Geographic, Rolling Stone and The New York Times, covering environmental issues. He has also authored several books; these include 'Hope, Human and Wild' and 'Fight Global Warming Now.'
As is apparent in his speeches, Bill McKibben is an articulate and thoughtful communicator. He has won a number of awards for his dedicated and convicted but tactful advance of his cause; these awards include the Guggenheim Fellowship (1993) and the Puffin/Nation Prize for Creative Citizenship.
Featured Keynote - Fallacies of Economic Growth
Bill McKibben Shows How Prosperity May Not Yield Happiness
In this speech, author, educator and environmentalist Bill McKibben discusses why sustained economic growth may not actually be the best solution to the wide range of problems plaguing American society.… Read More