Christiane Amanpour Keynotes
Christiane Amanpour's speeches are inspiring and enlightening. A huge proponent of the value of...

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Christiane Amanpour's Media Driven Commencement Speech is Inspiring
Jennifer Gosnell — June 27, 2012 — Keynote Trends
Christiane Amanpour's media driven commencement speech for the USC Annenberg School of Journalism for the class of 2012 remarks on the benefits of journalism and the responsibility of journalists. The incredibly accomplished journalist takes a look at the career she has led and gives the graduates some advice for moving forward.
One of the most important things that she speaks of is the position of responsibility that journalists are put in as guard dogs of the public sector. While she presents as engaging and, at times, funny, the advice she bestows to these graduates is invaluable information to anyone in the field of journalism. Her endless enthusiasm, respect for, and admiration of the field is evident and she connects with the audience in a discussion-like manner that is incredibly engaging.
Her pragmatic idealism and noble honesty makes for a great commencement address and unbelievably inspiring for any media pursuer.
One of the most important things that she speaks of is the position of responsibility that journalists are put in as guard dogs of the public sector. While she presents as engaging and, at times, funny, the advice she bestows to these graduates is invaluable information to anyone in the field of journalism. Her endless enthusiasm, respect for, and admiration of the field is evident and she connects with the audience in a discussion-like manner that is incredibly engaging.
Her pragmatic idealism and noble honesty makes for a great commencement address and unbelievably inspiring for any media pursuer.