Spencer Ingram Keynotes
The Spencer Ingram talks on hacking education define hacking as a way to use one's assets to...

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Spencer Ingram's Hacking Education Talk Takes an Experiential Approach
Alyson Wyers — October 8, 2013 — Keynote Trends
References: hackcville & youtu.be
In his hacking education talk, Spencer Ingram discusses the importance of breaking away from bureaucracy and changing culture to one that values exploration and the person. Ingram believes in taking responsibility for one's own education, which is where hacking comes in. He describes hacking as being creative, and does not associate it with some of its negative connotations. Hacking is about using one's assets to leverage shortcuts and alter the incumbent culture.
He identifies four characteristics in his hacking education talk: it is ok to fail, it is inclusive, it is about coaching and it is anonymous from the institution. This form of experiential education can be measured in terms of the success students have in the real world and its ability to correct a social problem like mounting student debt, which is currently $1 trillion in the United States.
He identifies four characteristics in his hacking education talk: it is ok to fail, it is inclusive, it is about coaching and it is anonymous from the institution. This form of experiential education can be measured in terms of the success students have in the real world and its ability to correct a social problem like mounting student debt, which is currently $1 trillion in the United States.